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Digital Photography

Page history last edited by Craig 8 years, 4 months ago


John Barsby Community School

Photography 10 Lessons and Links 





DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY SCHOOL - Check this great website out to advance your photography skills

YouTube is your friend in photoshop! Want to know how to do something? Just ask in Youtube: "How do I.......in photoshop CS4?" Usually a guaranteed hit on a video!



Welcome to Digital Photography!




* Link for a clear diagram and simplified explanation on how a DSLR works (will need to scroll down past the information on dust (read this as well, as important to maintenance of DSLR cameras) - Click HERE.





Week 1+2 Assignments:


1. Using GOOGLE IMAGES look for ANY type of image that is appealing to you. You must select 20 images, save them, and then insert them into a Powerpoint document. Save this Powerpoint into your "Term 1" > "Powerpoint" folder. Call the file "My Top 30"


2. Using your camera in the P (Program Setting), take image around the school. There is no "subject" focus at this time...BUT you are trying your best to take images that are TACK SHARP (focussed "listen for the beep" not blurry) and that follow the FIRST BIG RULE OF PHOTOGRAPHY - "Fill the Frame" - Week Two POWERPOINT needs to show 15-20 images that show "Filling the Frame" and comment on 8 of these slide images explaining why you chose each. What did you like about it? What stood out in the image. Make sure the image is an example of completely "Filling the Frame"


3. Transfer your images from your camera to your "Term 1" > "Photo Sessions" folder. Create a folder called "Week 2". Put ALL pictures you take this week into this folder. You should have more than 40 images in this folder by Friday.


4. Photoshop SELECT > COPY > PASTE Project. Save your project into "Term 1" > "Photoshop" folder. Call the file "SELECTCOPYPASTE". Do this process at least three times with your own photos. Create some funny photos by changing people's heads, arms, legs. Don't worry if it looks fake, we will work on making it look more real in the weeks to come.






Go through the PHOTOGRAPHY WORK FLOW PROCESS (explained in class): 1) Take photos using the AUTO MODE on your camera (delete as you go, but not needed) - Should have 25+ EACH PERSON holding the camera, 2) Import to your SCRATCH DRIVE, 3) View and Delete any unusable photos (blurry images MUST be deleted unless blur is intentional), 4) Save any "Keepers" in your S:/Drive/Photosessions/FOLDERNAMEandDATE, 5) Upload your TOP PHOTO to Flickr.com ** Also save to your H:/ if you want the file for yourself personally, but MUST submit to your S:/ for marking.  


Photo Sessions: We will be getting used to taking pictures  with your camera and transfering your files. There is no specific goal in mind yet, except to keep your photo's exposure, so it isn't too dark or too light, as well as Tack Sharp as you possibly can keep it. As you are shooting in "P" Program Mode, you can simply use the +/- button near your trigger finger.


Make sure you hear the BEEP to ensure you have the focus from the camera in order for the camera to take the image. It is up to you whether you use Flash or not, but typically better photos are taken without the flash, unless the room/area is simply too dark.


Post Processing - Powerpoint: This weeks's photoshop is quite simple. Choose 5 different images that you have taken this week and alter them for exposure and coloring. You will submit the BEFORE and AFTER images into a Powerpoint by Friday.





1. Create a powerpoint with 15 Action or Motion images. Comment on 7 of these images using a textbox below each image. Save this powerpoint called "MOTION PICTURES" into your V://Your Name/Powerpoint folder


2. Here is the article we just discussed on the Exposure Triangle - CLICK HERE! Another good article HERE at Digital Photography School regarding the exposure triangle.


3. Demonstrate and experiment with FREEZING objects in time throughout the week. You will need to have 10+ Images in your Photodrive by Friday that show a subject FROZEN in time and SHARP as well!




A) Use "S" on the dial. Use ISO 800 or HIGHER, but you will get more digital noise as you shoot at that higher ISO (even though your camera shoots faster as it records the image on the sensor faster)

B) Shoot outdoors (avoid mixed dark and light situations/scenes in terms of light).

C) Use a speed greater than 1/125 of a second to achieve this.


3. Demonstrate and experiment with PANNING objects as they move to show the blur behind them, but they roughly stay focused. Will need to follow their movement and shoot with roughly these settings. Need 10+ of these type of images submitted by Friday:


A) Use "S" on the dial. USE ISO 100 

B) Shoot outdoors (avoid mixed dark and light situations/scenes in terms of light)

C) Select or change your your speed to 1/2 to 1/50 of a second.


4. We are going to photoshop a FROZEN image and make it look like it has been slowed down and blur the background. Follow the steps in class! If you miss this you will need to refer to a classmate or Mr.Letourneau for a tutorial.








A) Create a power point of 10 images that show "Shallow Depth of Field". These will be examples of subjects that are in focus and the background (sometimes the foreground too) will be blurry (this is called "Bokeh"). Comment on the 10 images with a thoughtful response on why you chose that image and comment on what elements make it a great image.



B) By week's end, have 25 SDOF (Shallow Depth of field) images that you have edited and processed. 


C) Follow the "Fake" photoshop tutorial on how to create SDOF using Photoshop. Submit that file into your Photoshop Term One folder. Call it "Fake SDOF". Remember to use the Sharpness Filter to counter the blur layer in order to make your main subject stand out even more.






A) Take notes on "Rule of Thirds" Save these notes also to your S:Drive in your Powerpoint Folder called "RuleofThirds"


B) Photo Session - For this weeks photo session you will focus on using the Rule of Thirds – But you must show how this rule applies by:


 i) First taking a shot of your subject centered

 ii) Then taking another shot of the same subject using the rule of thirds.


 Save both images in your S:/YourName/Photosessions/RuleofThirds. Call the centered image “TitleA” and the other image showing the rule of thirds “TitleB”.


 You will need 10 image pairs (so 20 photos total) to complete this assignment


D) Editing Assignment - Choose your top 10 images for this week and tweak them in ACR (Adobe Camera Raw) and then OPEN them in Photoshop. Play with the ADJUSTMENT LAYERS THIS WEEK! Save ALL PHOTOSHOPPED images into your EDIT folder. 






Week Five - Framing - May 19-22


I) READ NOTES for the concept of  FRAMING. Find 20 compelling images that use "framing" in a creative way to emphasize the subject of the image and place those in a power point. Comment on 10 of those images.     


II) Photo Sessions Term 2 - Create a folder called "TOP 20 FRAMING". Submit 20 of your best FRAMING photos - 

*** Remember to crop carefully and edit for lighting and color in EVERY photo before submitting!  ***


III) Use the CANVAS SIZE framing option in photoshop to frame up 5 of your images. Feel free to do one by freehand and experiment with shapes and lines or a combination of Canvas Size and shapes

IV) PHOTOSHOP - Create a TEXT FRAME USING A CLIPPING MASK. Use the TEXT FRAME (CLIPPING MASK) procedure explained in class to create 1 original text frame of your own.


IV) BONUS - Complete at least one of the Photoshop Cool Border Projects/Tutorials below.




A) Create at least one of EACH type based your own work - Series of events, the same theme/topic, different perspectives are ways to creatively think of these -  


DIPTYCHS,  TRIPTYCHS, and/or POLYTYCHS - using Photoshop CS4 - Use any file dimensions you want, as the process is creative and you may want it longer one way than the other. 


Examples here: http://digital-photography-school.com/tell-a-story-with-a-diptych-weekly-photography-challenge-with-15-examples



Looking for some things to try? Try these PHOTOSHOP TUTORIALS!



Week 4 - Colour Contrast in Imagery 


1)Take a look at the concept of COLOUR CONTRASTCREATE A POWERPOINT with your top 20 images found on the internetComment on 10 of them stating the reason you like it. Save your Powerpoint to your V:/Photodrive in Term 2


2) Photo Sessions Term 2 - Create a folder called "Colour Contrast". Submit 10 of your best Colour Contrast photos. Remember to crop carefully, use the histogram levels to adjust your lighting in Camera Raw, PSCS4 and definitely USE THE VIBRANCE AND SATURATION ADJUSTMENT to bring out the colour contrast clearly and more sharply.


3) Using "Tinting" to change the overall mood and colour of your image - You MUST tint 5 Images and put these in your Photoshop Folder in TERM 2 - Then copy and paste A FOLDER CALLED "TINTING" into the Assignment HAND IN > YOUR NAME > PHOTOSHOP FOLDER


4) Change the colour of the car file in the PHOTOSHOP HAND OUT FOLDER and SAVE it into your Photodrive Term 2 - Rename the file "YournameCOLORCARCHANGE" and copy and paste into the HAND IN > YOUR NAME > PHOTOSHOP FOLDER


5) Click here to see an example of a color contrast print project inspired by Andy Warhol. Follow through the steps the best you can and see how far you can get. Anyone getting through the whole tutorial without assistance is really showing he/she knows their photoshop stuff! If you have a tough time with this, try to focus on only creating ONE FRAME only and don't worry about putting 4 on one page. But also remember this!!! THERE ARE A NUMBER OF WAYS TO GET TO THE SAME RESULT WHEN USING PHOTOSHOP - So just play around with the concepts and ideas presented and see where it takes you - JUST PLAY WITH COLOR IN YOUR IMAGES and use some of the cool FILTER EFFECTS at the same time. SAVE ALL EXPERIMENTS INTO YOUR PHOTOSHOP TERM 2 FOLDER!


4) Use the ColorSchemeDesigner to assist with using the appropriate colours toget


5) Colour Theory - Demonstrates Adobe Kuler Video (22 min video) and Pintrest collected examples of images that use colour specifically to make them work.




Week 3 - Texture in Images - May 5-8


1) Create a powerpoint with 20 "Texture in Photography" Images with at least half of them being commented on what texture you are viewing and why it adds to the image's appeal.


2) By week's end have your own TEXTURE element images. You will need 20+ FINAL images demonstrating the element of texture in each image.


3) Photoshop - Will be showing you how to ADD TEXTURE and BLEND in Photoshop this week. We will start with a VINTAGE edit to make your image look old and weathered. But you can use all sorts of "textures" such as scratches, broken glass, rocky wall surfaces to your images and blend them in to add appeal. YOU NEED TO COMPLETE THE "ROCK FACE" and save it to your Term 2 Photoshop Folder. 


Here is a link to a great photoshop on youtube "Phlearn":




4) Add TEXTURE from the texture folder into at least 5 images this week and blend them in to add some artistic elements.



Symmetry and Reflections


 1)Take a look at the concept of SYMMETRYCREATE A POWERPOINT with your top 20 images found on the internetComment on 10 of them stating the reason you like it. Save your Powerpoint to your V:/Photodrive in Term 2


2) Use photoshop to create symmetrical imagery. The whole point is to copy your image or parts of your image and to create balanced symmetrical sides. Play with half of objects and with half of faces. Some good fun comes out of this. Place in V:/PhotoDrive/Yourname/Photoshop/[Symmetry Folder] - Create 5+ of these.


3) Photoshop - Use the example of the woman on the blue background in the Assignment hand out folder (Symmetry "Reflection" and create a reflection using the tutorial in class or the Youtube Tutorial BEST WAY TO MAKE WATER REFLECTION". This is one of many tutorials to follow online. If you want a TEXT BASED with IMAGES tutorial...you can follow this one here and it has the same sample image in your hand out folder. Another one here too that is pretty easy to follow.


** 4) Create your TOP 10 Symmetrical Images for weekly submission! THIS IS 10% OF YOUR TERM MARK! **






Double Exposure 



1) Go take images to get stock imagery. A) People profiles and headshots B) Take images of textures that you think will look good in behind your portrait images.


2) Screen Mode for BLENDING explained HERE!


2) Photoshop technique that is TEXT BASED on HOW TO DO IT....CLICK HERE. There is also a video tutorial in the sidebar to the right if you have earbuds/headphones--------->


3) Create at least 5-10 Double exposure images using this technique. The best of the bunch will be presented in our Digital Photo Display.










A) Create a powerpoint with 20 MACRO or CLOSE UP images. Comment on 10 of these images.


B) Shoot at least 50+ images this week in RAW FORMAT (your own, not shared), Process images by cropping in close and sharpening using Camera RAW.


C) Using a tripod and timer will reduce the chance of camera shake that may be caused - use a tripod this week to improve your images!


Before jumping into this weeks concept and exploration, we are going to look at the reasons for shooting in a RAW format rather than JPEG (it is an added step in your photo workflow process, but can dramatically improve quality):





Shooting in Manual Mode


This is your test week in the world of photography. You MUST shoot in M Mode (Manual Mode) and control your exposure yourselves! I will be checking your EXIF (Camera Data) to see that you are attempting to shoot in this mode.


1) Generally keep your ISO as low as possible (200) if possible, but increase as you get into darker lit areas.

2) Adjust your SPEED by moving your thumb adjustment and select anywhere from 80-4000. DO NOT GO BELOW 80 unless you are using a tripod and using a timer.


3) Adjust your APERTURE by controlling the F-STOP number (hold down the exposure button beside the shutter button.


You EXPOSURE is based on the SPEED of the image and the APERTURE of the lens AND your ISO. If you have the speed you want, and the aperture is at desired level. Then the only other option is to adjust your ISO. But if you want a good quality image and you are in a darkly lit situation, your only other option is to change your speed and use a tripod.


This is what you will see through your eye piece and on the back of your screen. The idea is to get that line so there is NO ARROW pointing over heavily to the right or left. You want that line to be NEUTRAL. If you shoot RAW you will be able to be underexposed or over exposed slightly and adjust in CAMERA RAW later, so that is the advantage of shooting in RAW over JPEG.


This image here is underexposed (Dark) as the line fills to the right.


This image here is overexposed (Too Bright) as the line fills to the left.


This image would be a perfect or proper exposure as no arrows are pointing from the 0 position in the middle.



Your goal this week is to shoot in MANUAL mode for the entire week. Shoot in a variety of lighting conditions and use a variety of different Apertures (F STOPS). Then make your adjustments for the Shutter Speed to finish up with a proper exposure. You are aiming at getting 10 GREAT images with your TAG attached.












Week Eight -TERM 2 - Perspective


I) Take a look online at "UNIQUE PERSPECTIVES" using Google Images, Flickr, DeviantArt or other sources to find 10 images that stand out to you. Place these 15+ images into a powerpoint and save this powerpoint in your NOTES folder for TERM 2. Call the PowerPoint TOP PERSPECTIVE - Comment on 7 of these images and describe why it is so unique and different in terms of perspective.


II) Photo Session Focus - Take pictures of 5 DIFFERENT SUBJECTS. You must take the image of the subject with 4-5 different perspectives/angles. Make sure to save to your V:Drive/Term2/Photosessions/Perspective and name each picture A,B,C,D. You will need at least 12 images (4 angles for each subject).


III) Create 5 collages of your subjects with 4 different perspectives. You need to create at least FIVE COLLAGES. A final product could look like THIS and THIS. But think outside the box and perhaps create something unique and different by looking online and typing "Photoshop collages". I can assist if you want help with this.


IV) Play around with FORCED PERSPECTIVE. Search Google Images for examples of "Forced Perspective"








Week 1 - Patterns/Repetition - November 14-18


A)REVIEW the Overview Concepts for TERM 2 - 10 Composition Elements for Photography


The first five Elements are HERE II) The second 5 Elements Here - Just review these elements for now to get an idea of what to expect over Term 2.


B) POWER POINT - Find 15 images that inspire you in some capacity and look interesting due to the patterns and shapes. Comment on ALL of the images, briefly explaining what aspect of the repetition is appealing.


C) Theme - Patterns - Need at least 10 edited images placed into a folder called PATTERNS in your S:/Drive in Term 2 Photo Sessions folder. These edited images MUST be submitted to your HAND IN FOLDER for marking.





WEEK Eight - TERM 1 Review/Final - Nov 4-8



B)  FINAL TERM 1 OPEN SOURCE EXAM - Answer ALL Questions and HAND IN - 10% of GRADE!



WEEK Seven - Portrait Photography - Oct 29-Nov 1

A) Review the powerpoint "Portraiture" 

B) Assignment One - Must choose a subject (person) to shoot - Must experiment with different angles and poses. But the framing MUST include: a) Headshot, b) Full Body shot, c) Three quarter shot - taken from halfway up leg to top of head (See power point if unsure)

C) Convert one or more of your images from Assignment One and add other objects or images in to turn into a Halloween type of image. Instructions already provided in class. If you need future help on how to place one object from one image into your own, can refer to Youtube clip here. You will need headphones to view.

                         - All the files you may want to use can be found in the ASSIGNMENT HAND OUT FOLDER > CLETOURNEAU >


                         - But if you wish to use your own files from searching the web that is fine too. Great site for Stock Imaging that is

                                often shared and downloadable is DEVIANTART.COM Resource section...can find a lot of images to use

                                 to add to your own that have been allowed by the creator

D) Follow this HOW TO photoshop lesson on how to create an interesting abstract image of yourself using the images you took earlier in the week.





Theory Concept - Will discuss RAW vs JPEG. Also will go over ISO again to ensure best result and using smaller F-Stop to have a focussed subject and a more blurred background (Shallow Depth of Field remember?)


A) Notes and Concepts - DIGITAL NOISE AND ISO Information - CLICK  HERE

          - Also more info HERE to help you understand the concept.


B) Portrait Photography - The focus for this week is capturing people in portraits. Some rules to follow as discussed in class: 1) TEST Use MANUAL Mode! 2) Be aware of background (no clutter), 3) Use CONTINUOUS shooting mode (burst for three images) if holding the camera with no tripod and TIMER mode if you have tripod or a stable place for your camera to sit shooting modes, 4) Use natural light, so use windows, shade outside, and if in the direct sunlight (back lighting - not the sun in the person's eyes) 5) Use RULE OF THIRDS to frame your subject, 5) Use any of the techniques discussed in the videos last week to improve the sharpness of your images.






WEEK Five - Autumn Theme - Oct 15-18


1) POWER POINT - Look through the topic of AUTUMN/FALL and select 15-20 images that appeal to you. Comment on 8 of the images explaining while you like those images.


2) PHOTOSHOP - A) Select three of the 5 images in the ASSIGNMENT HAND OUT folder to edit in any way you wish and HAND 3 to the HAND IN ASSIGNMENT FOLDER (AUTUMN>YOUR NAME)


B) Photoshop FILTERS- Experiment with the Photoshop FILTERS and your standards colour adjustments to create 5 NEW ARTISTIC PHOTOS




4) ANIMOTO - Create an account and play around with the software. Make an autumn Animoto with a few pics and some music. Add a title and some text to give it more of a creative edge. Use at least 15-20 images with a song that is in the two-three minute range.


** NOTE - After you sign up and into Animoto, you can go into the ACCOUNTS page and add this PROMO CODE to get UNLIMITED TIME ACCESS to your videos: a4eleto1506f5




WEEK Four - Black and White Theme - Oct 7-Nov 11




A) Theme of the week: Black and White Photography Tips: 1) HERE 2) HERE 3) HERE


Samples to view at this website - CLICK HERE



Power Point: Find 15-20 Black and White photos online that appeal to you and place them in a powerpoint. Make sure that EIGHT photos in your slide show have text next to it that explains why the photo is so good. What elements appeal to you? The contrast? The lighting? The placement of the subject? The emotion? The technical genius behind taking that type of shot? Just make sure to state more in your explanation than something simple like "I chose this 'cause its cool". What makes it so cool? Expand! ***



** Use this Camera Raw program/technique (if you are able to access Camera Raw) to edit all your BW photos and even your color photos from now on. It will be your first tool that you will use to edit your photos for exposure, color correction, and sharpness **


PHOTOSHOPSelect three images from the Assignment Hand out Folder "Monochrome" and process them into a monochrome of your choice. Use the techniques discussed in class. Add contrast, play with color channels, brightness, mid tones, dodge and burn to improve the image to make it less "Flat" and stand out more.


SUBMIT TOP 10-20 Monochrome PHOTOS for submission by end of the week - Submit your BEST work into the BEST WORK > Monochrome > YOUR NAME FOLDER. 








WEEK TWO - September 30-October 4


A) Go to Google Images, Flickr, DeviantART to find SHALLOW DEPTH OF FIELD (focussed on one subject point and the rest is blurred)

A) Take notes on "How to Crop" from the following pages: 1) Here and 2) Here (this one is specifically a photoshop tutorial). Look at both these pages and take notes using Microsoft Word and save them to your V:/Drive/Notes/[Cropping].


B) Also take a look at the following video here that explains Depth of Field. Have your Microsoft Word open and take notes as you are watching the video. Also feel free to take notes after the classroom showing if you want to watch it on your own, but you will need headphones for this. THE VIDEO IS HERE. 


C) Photo Session - Your focus this week is to take photos using a variety of Depths of Field. This may be difficult as you will need to find enough sunlight in situations for different depths, but you MUST USE your Aperture Setting (Turn your Dial to "A") to experiment with shallow or deep DOF [Depth of Field]

- Try using your flash as well to help with any lighting issues you may have

- Take over 25+ images EACH PERSON to work with during the week.

Examples of shallow Depth of Field to isolate your subject - CLICK HERE!


D) Youtube Series - The Basics


E) Editing Assignment - Using existing images, you need to show a "before" and "after" of at least 10 images that have been cropped. Label the unedited image A and the cropped image B. Place these images in your S:Drive/PhotoshopEdiing with a NEW folder called "CROPPING". When you crop your images, also edit for exposure, contrast, colour and feel free to use any filters or other adjustments in PHOTOSHOP CS4 to help you improve your images.


*** IMPORTANT REMINDER!!! Please only submit your BEST work into your S:/Drive/Photosessions. Some of you are submitting way too many images and the quality of some images are not up to standard for what is expected for a passing mark. I DON'T WANT TO SEE A BLURRY IMAGE UNLESS THIS WAS PART OF A PICTURE'S INTENDED OUTCOME! If you don't look at your own work critically and choose which ones you like and show only your best work, you WILL LOSE MARKS for degrading the quality of your portfolio/samples. If you don't critique your own work and delete unecessary files, it also shows that you lack file management skills and the ability to evaluate what is "good" or "bad" in your opinion and you ARE being graded on these skills throughout the semester. So clean up your files and ONLY SUBMIT YOUR BEST WORK EACH WEEK! QUALITY IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN QUANTITY!




D) Working with SELECTION TOOLS - Using selection tools as described in Thursday's lesson to modify or change some of your motion images that you froze in time. Change at least one image to show the use of the MOTION BLUR filter in PSCS4 (Photoshop CS4). Save the images into your S:Drive/Edits/[SelectionMotionBlur] - The more images you change, the better you will get at the process. Using the selection tool properly is the most important to get a smooth and realistic motion blur image. Submit your BEST one!






Week Six -Dec 17-21 - Christmas Week


A) Find 15 Holiday images that appeal to you and explain why you like them. You must comment on 7 of them this week.

B) Create the holiday spirit by either taking images of Christmas items around the school to create a composite Christmas card or use existing images from any shareware photo sites that allow you to use their images to create your Christmas Card

C) Add "fake" photoshop snow to at least 3 images using the following online tutorial (you can find your own if this one doesn't suit your style): TUTORIAL HERE.

D) Take a headshot of yourself and other group members, login to JibJab using your facebook account...then make a holiday christmas greeting to share with others. You need to share the card/video to Mr.Letourneau at mrletourneau30@hotmail.com.


Week Five - Dec 10-14


A) Find 10 images online that are COMPOSITE IMAGES but composite meaning they include the same person in the image more than once. Place these in a powerpoint file


B) Create 5 multiple person composite images this week

c) Create 3 Levitation images, based on the same shooting with a tripod technique and photoshop masking

D) Create 5 Levitation images using the FREEZE in TIME using a fast shutter speed technique.




Week Three - Term 2 - Nov 26 - Nov 30 - Symmetry/Balance



i) Powerpoint - The new concept for this week is SYMMETRY. Look at the notes on the concept of symmetry HERE. Then go online to the usual galleries you search through to find your TOP 10 Balance/Symmetry images. Place these into a powerpoint and save to your S:/Drive/Term2/Notes/[Symmetry].


ii) Theme - Symmetry/Asymmetry - Use the Two Shot Strategy and you must

                                         have 5 PAIR PHOTOS. You must take a shot of your subject in a symmetrical

                                         version and a asymmetrical version (similar to rule of thirds). You will have 10 photos in total of your BEST shots only that will be added to your Photo Session. Create a folder called SYMMETRY in your S:/Drive in Term 2. Reminder, you should be taking at leat 50-100 shots throughout the week, by the end of the week you want to have your BEST work submitted only, which includes any photoshop adjustments/filters.


iii) Create a symmetrical image based on FIVE of your images you have taken this week and create multiple layers of the same image. Transform (Ctrl-T) each image to manipulate the layer and make your final image a balanced/symmetrical/repetitive in elements. Use any other texture layers, filters, colors, etc to layer onto your image to give it a "Final" professional look. Remember to TAG your photo as well. Examples of symmetrical photoshop pieces are here, here, here, here, here and here.




Week Four -TERM 2 - May 7-11 - Colour Contrast


I) Take a look at the notes for the concept of COLOUR CONTRAST. CREATE A POWERPOINT with your top 10 images found on the internet. Comment on three of them stating the reason you like  it. Save your Powerpoint to your S:/Drive in Term 2 Notes Folder with the title "Colour Contrast". 


II) Photo Sessions Term 2 - Create a folder called "Colour Contrast". Submit 10-20 of your best Colour Contrast photos. Remember to crop carefully, use the histogram levels to adjust your lighting in Camera Raw, PSCS4 and definitely USE THE VIBRANCE AND SATURATION ADJUSTMENT to bring out the colour contrast clearly and more sharply.


III) Click here to see an example of a color contrast print project inspired by Andy Warhol. Follow through the steps the best you can and see how far you can get. Anyone getting through the whole tutorial without assistance is really showing he/she knows their photoshop stuff! If you have a tough time with this, try to focus on only creating ONE FRAME only and don't worry about putting 4 on one page. But also remember this!!! THERE ARE A NUMBER OF WAYS TO GET TO THE SAME RESULT WHEN USING PHOTOSHOP - So just play around with the concepts and ideas presented and see where it takes you - JUST PLAY WITH COLOR IN YOUR IMAGES and use some of the cool FILTER EFFECTS at the same time. SAVE ALL EXPERIMENTS INTO YOUR PHOTOSHOP TERM 2 FOLDER! Have fun experimenting! Also refer to Youtube if you have headphones and type in "Andy Worhol Photoshop" and you will get some tutorials there too!






1) Go through TERM 2 checklist HERE to see how you match up.

2) Make sure you have one of three projects to show your portfolio to Mr.Letourneau complete: A) Wix.com Webpage, B) Animoto.com C) Flicker Set and D) FINAL FOLDER in your S:/Drive labelled FINAL PHOTOS

3) Scavenger Hunt




 Week Five  - Term 2 - Christmas Week


I) Find 10 Pictures related to Christmas or the holidays - Create a powerpoint with the top 10 images and once again comment on three of them.

II) Focus on having 10 artistic images that highlight the spirit of Christmas. Think of some ideas along with your searching of images and be ready for tomorrow to get some more original concepts. You will need 10 Christmas/Holiday images.

III) Christmas Effects - Follow this Christmas Effects Tutorial to improve your image with a glow and lighting effects: CLICK HERE for instructions

III) You will make a Christmas card


Week Four -TERM 2 - May 9-13 - Colour Contrast


I) Take a look at the notes for the concept of COLOUR CONTRAST. CREATE A POWERPOINT with your top 10 images found on the internet. Comment on three of them stating the reason you like  it. Save your Powerpoint to your S:/Drive in Term 2 Notes Folder with the title "Colour Contrast". 

II) Photo Sessions Term 2 - Create a folder called "Colour Contrast". Submit 10 of your best Colour Contrast photos. Remember to crop carefully, use the histogram levels to adjust your lighting in Camera Raw, PSCS4 and definitely USE THE VIBRANCE AND SATURATION ADJUSTMENT to bring out the colour contrast clearly and more sharply.

III) Click here to see an example of a color contrast print project inspired by Andy Warhol. Follow through the steps the best you can and see how far you can get. Anyone getting through the whole tutorial without assistance is really showing he/she knows their photoshop stuff! If you have a tough time with this, try to focus on only creating ONE FRAME only and don't worry about putting 4 on one page. But also remember this!!! THERE ARE A NUMBER OF WAYS TO GET TO THE SAME RESULT WHEN USING PHOTOSHOP - So just play around with the concepts and ideas presented and see where it takes you - JUST PLAY WITH COLOR IN YOUR IMAGES and use some of the cool FILTER EFFECTS at the same time. SAVE ALL EXPERIMENTS INTO YOUR PHOTOSHOP TERM 2 FOLDER! Have fun experimenting! Also refer to Youtube if you have headphones and type in "Andy Worhol Photoshop" and you will get some tutorials there too!






 i) Look online to research and fine images related to Texture. Use GOOGLE IMAGES, DeviantART, Flickr, 500px or any other photo site to find 10 images and place them in a Power Point document. REMEMBER TO COMMENT on THREE images with detailed reasons why you like the shot and what specifically you liked about it. Save this in TERM 2/NOTES folder as TOP 10 TEXTURE CRITIQUE.


 ii) Photo Sessions Term 2 - Create a folder called "TEXTURE".

              a) Submit 10 of your best texture photos with minor ADJUSTMENTS into your S:/Drive/Term 2/Photosessions/ [TEXTURE].


 iii) Editing Assignment Term 2 - Create a folder called "Texture" in your S:/Drive/Term 2/PhotoshopEdits/[TEXTURE] folder.

               Refer to the following links if you missed the mini-lessons in class regarding adding texture to your images

               - How to Use Textures to Enhance your Photos - Step-by-step TEXT instructions

               - How to Use Masking to add Texture to an image- Video Lesson - Adding texture layers to your images and tonal qualities.

               - Adobe Photoshop Tutorial - Video Lesson - Adding basic texture, using blending sliders

               - Adding Texture to Photos - Visual and Text instructions - Specifically adding texture to a TEXT image




b) Submit 5 other images that use any artistic changes or layers that purposely enhance the image with the element of texture.


Try some of these EXTRA TUTORIALS that use TEXTURE as the focus. Any of these complete, add them to your TEXTURE folder and name them "BONUS1", "BONUS2", etc...






WEEK SIX - Oct 17-20 - Reducing Noise and Portraiture


** Look at ALL your subfolders in your PHOTOSESSION folder. Generally, you should have ONLY 10 Images or LESS (YOUR BEST WORK) inside each folder. If you don't submit only your BEST work, your portfolio (the bulk of your mark) will be graded lower **


Theory Concept - Look at the concept of ISO. Place the ISO notes in your S:Drive/Notes folder. Clearly label your notes!

** Article around using NATURAL LIGHT FOR PORTRAITURE **



B) Portrait Photography - The focus for this week is capturing people in portraits. Some rules to follow as discussed in class: 1) TEST Use MANUAL Mode! 2) Be aware of background (no clutter), 3) Use CONTINUOUS shooting mode (burst for three images) if holding the camera with no tripod and TIMER mode if you have tripod or a stable place for your camera to sit shooting modes, 4) Use natural light, so use windows, shade outside, and if in the direct sunlight (back lighting - not the sun in the person's eyes) 5) Use RULE OF THIRDS to frame your subject, 5) Use any of the techniques discussed in these videos to improve the sharpness of your images.


Refer to mrletourneau's deviantArt site to see some of his gallery images with portraits and to search through deviantart in general to see portrait. Remember to have the mature filter on with this site if you have an account. If you don't have an account the filter will automatically be applied, so no worries!


Look at Examples of Portraits on Flickr to reference ideas for your portraits!


Crop, edit to improve lighting, and use the clone tool to make improvements in your images. Submit your BEST 5-10 images to your S:Drive/Photosessions/[PORTRAITS]


WEEK FIVE - Oct 12-14


Welcome to Photoshop Week! As this is only a short week, we will be taking advantage of learning more about the industry-standard post-production software. We have all heard the term "photoshopped", but what does that really mean? What tools do we need need to work with to achieve good-looking and realistic results. ** PHOTOSHOP CAN BE FUN TO PLAY WITH, BUT THE POINT TO PHOTOSHOP IS TO "MAKE AN IMAGE" MORE "WOW" RATHER THAN FAKE AND FUNNY ** - Your photoshop mark for this course will be based on your ability to improve an image, rather than degrade it.



Assignment One (WEDNESDAY):


 REVIEW THE FOLLOWING: Tagging or watermarking your work lets your viewers know about you and your fantastic work! Check out these links here to see some subtle but effective Tags/Titles: 1) Link 2) Link 3) Link 4) Link 5) Link. Here are some examples of BAD TAGS: HERE (yes, even I had bad tags...it's a learning curve), HERE, and HERE. And here is example of using a TAG to BRAND you as a photographer.

1) Your assignment today is to add 5 DIFFERENT TAGS to 5 DIFFERENT IMAGES. You may develop a branded TAG and add this to every piece of art or you may experiment with different styles attached to each if you wish. SAVE INTO YOUR S:/DRIVE/PHOTOSHOP FOLDER AS A PSD (PHOTOSHOP) FILE ONLY.

2) Experiment with images of your own and us the variety of selections demonstrated in class (using the magnetic selection tool, the polygonal lasso tool, and even the plain lasso tool. After your selection is complete play with two of your own images and swap objects between the two of them to make it as realistic as possible.


Assignment Two (THURSDAY):


Observe the following:

A) Examples of obvious photo-shopped images but with creativity and realism still in the forefront in order to "wow" the viewer

B) Photo-manipulation is a blend of art and photography. By using STOCK PHOTOS, you use these objects in photoshop to create another image that can be surreal, but yet realistic enough to believe. Go to DEVIANTART.COM and type in Photo-manipulation into the search bar to see various degrees of this work.


The Work:

** OBSERVATION/REVIEW OF ART EVIDENCE: As you look through GOOGLE images, Flickr, DeviantART or any other image database, copy and paste your TOP 10 images that impressed you and that obviously used Photoshop , into a Powerpoint document and SAVE IT into your NOTES folder called "Great Photoshop Works". Make sure to choose the TOP 3 images from your document and beside the image include text that states the reasons you chose the image and what makes it so great to you. Think about what makes that image way better than a poorly photoshopped image. If you haven't seen a poor photoshopped image, research some in google images to compare the good with the bad. This will help you explain why you think your great photoshopped images are so great. 


The Curiosity and Experimentation:


C) ANATOMY SCRAMBLE (Medium-Difficult Project, should take at least all class if you pay attention to detail, zoom in and blend the best you can)

1) The purpose of today's class is to view some amazing photos and try to replicate the theme or the idea - CLICK HERE FOR SAMPLE IMAGES TO VIEW

2) For this project you may use any photos you already have in your own H:/ Drive or you may use a photo off the internet.

3) Using PSCS4 - experiment with cutting and pasting body parts, using different layers (if need be), and blending them together so they are smooth. EVERYONE should attempt this project and even if it is simply a foot and arm being switched, then that is sufficient for the editing mark. BUT those wanting to achieve a higher mark for this course are expected to put forth a better effort. A project such as this should take AT LEAST an entire class!!! The trick is to really take your time on the DETAILS and make sure you get a BLENDING that is smooth!!!

So think quick on your feet and attempt to mix and match those body parts! GOOD LUCK!



WEEK THREE - Sept 26-30


A) Search online this morning to find 10 images that are appealing and (school appropriate) to you that show motion and action. Open up and create a Powerpoint using the 10 action shots. For three of these images, you will need to make the image smaller and include a text box that includes a reason you chose the action/motion image. The more detailing, commenting, critiquing you include on the image, the greater your NOTES score will be for the first term. SAVE THIS POWERPOINT INTO YOUR NOTES FOLDER AND CALL IT  [TOP 10 ACTION SHOTS]. Once you have done this, you will have permission to go out and try your own action shots for the week!


B) Your theory for this week includes the EXPOSURE TRIANGLE and the relationship between, Shutter Speed, Aperture, and ISO. We will discuss this in class and you can take notes then, but if you want more details you can CLICK HERE for the article in order to take the notes. Save these notes to your S:Drive/Notes/[EXPOSURE]. Here is another article for beginners to learn more about Movement in Photography.


C) Photo Session - Following the dialogue and techniques in class, its time to take MOVEMENT and ACTION SHOTS using your Shutter Priority mode. General rule of thumb - with plenty of outdoor sunlight, increase your speed to at least 1/1000 of a second to freeze your action. You will need to play around with exposure here, so adjusting the speed and your ISO will be important - Take action shots inside and outside to see the difference and with (your flash will only synch up to speeds of 1/250 of a second) and without flash. Get a unique perspective and have the action as unique. Also allow for blur too to show the motion. TRY TO PAN WITH YOUR SUBJECT AT LOWER SPEEDS AROUND 1/40 to 1/100. To demonstrated your skill, take 50-100 shots and have your camera set to CONTINOUS BURST MODE - Out of those SUBMIT ONLY YOUR BEST 5-10 IMAGES that have been adjusted for lighting, color, cropping, etc. into your S:Drive/Photosessions/[MOVEMENT]



D) Working with SELECTION TOOLS - Using selection tools as described in Thursday's lesson to modify or change some of your motion images that you froze in time. Change at least one image to show the use of the MOTION BLUR filter in PSCS4 (Photoshop CS4). Save the images into your S:Drive/Edits/[SelectionMotionBlur] - The more images you change, the better you will get at the process. Using the selection tool properly is the most important to get a smooth and realistic motion blur image. Submit your BEST one!









3) Go to the GROUPS management tab at the top of your Flickr page. Go to SEARCH and look for 2011 JOHN BARSBY PHOTOGRAPHY SEP-JAN. Add this group to your Flickr groups. YOU MUST BE CONNECTED TO THIS FOR YOUR PORTFOLIO MARK!


Term Two




You must send your Wix site link to my email at: mrletourneau30@hotmail.com


 TERM 2 - June 13-17 - Scavenger Hunt/Clean Up/Pad the Portfolio


I) Work on finishing your past assignments - especially your year end portfolio using Wix.com and submissions to your Flickr account.

II) Scavenger Hunt - This list is long, but you have until this Thursday to complete this! Complete as many of these as you can by this Thursday. Anyone completing the full list will win a prize! If multiple groups finish the whole list, there will be an ultimate winner announced based on QUALITY!

III) If you want to demonstrate your photography skills further, pad your portfolio. What does this mean? Simply put, take more images demonstrating the elements we have worked on in class for Term 2 and add more to your S:/Drive/Photosessions. More is better, BUT remember always QUALITY OVER QUANTITY is always best!



Week Six -TERM 2 - May 23-27


I) TAKE NOTES for the concept of  FRAMING. Save your notes to your S:/Drive in Term 2 Notes Folder with title "Framing"                 

II) Photo Sessions Term 2 - Create a folder called "FRAMING". Submit 5 to 10 of your best FRAMING photos - Done naturally without creating any in Photoshop.

Remember to crop carefully and edit for lighting and color in EVERY photo before submiting!


IV) Try at least one of the Photoshop Cool Border Projects/Tutorials below.



Looking for some things to try? Try these PHOTOSHOP TUTORIALS!




WEEK One - Post-Production - April 19-21


A) You should have a warped image using the Ctrl-T Transformation Tool in Photoshop

B) You should have at least one Framed and resized image - using the shape/line tool and using Ctrl-T (Transformation) to resize the image on an empty canvas to create a border

C) You should have have at least one image that used the Liquify Filter using Photogshop.

D) Take a look at Wix.com to get an idea of the website and webpage process.


** More Basic Videos on How To Take Sharp Images **

"We don't TAKE GREAT pictures, we MAKE GREAT PICTURES" - Ansel Adams

What the difference between a good or great photographer?


Term One


WEEK Nine - Padding Your Portfolio (S:/Drive) - April 11-15


A) Make sure all of your folders for your PHOTOSESSIONS are filled with THE BEST examples possible from Week 2-8 - Refer to this checklist for the list that you need to complete. Do any general ADJUSTMENTS using ANY of the editing tools you feel comfortable using to improve your images. The PHOTOSESSION FOLDERS  MAKE UP 70% OF YOUR MARK, so make sure you have got images selected. REMINDER, you only need 5-10 showing for EACH type we worked with. TOO MANY IMAGES OF POOR QUALITY WILL COUNT AGAINST YOU!

B) Go through the notes each week and make sure you have a notepad or word document explaining the concepts in your NOTES folder.

C) Make sure you got your EDIITING projects ALL in this folder. You don't need subfolders for this, but make sure you have at least one example showing of each.



Looking for EXTRA CREDIT - CHECK OUT THIS LINK PAGE WITH A TON OF PHOTOGRAPHY IDEAS - Any projects submitted are BONUS and add more to your mark!


WEEK Eight - Filling the Frame and Text in Images - April 4-8


A) 1) Notes - Take notes from the Digital Photography School website regarding "FILLING THE FRAME". Remember to save to your NOTES folder in your S:/Drive for TERM 2.

    2) Photo Session - Simply take 10 photos and enter them into your S:/Drive in a new folder called "Filling the Frame". Remember to use a combination of all your composition skills now, but with emphasis on Filling the Frame. Technically speaking, these should be some of your better work, now that you have a number of elements that you now aware of and can use to your advantage.   


B) Photo Shop Focus Week- You are going to make a poster this week! You can use the existing images you already have, but you will be working with Photoshop all week and will be needing to know the basic tools for moving your stuff around. TEXT will need to be part of each image and we will start MONDAY by tagging your photos you submit.


There will be plenty to learn, so don't miss out!  For ideas for your poster, look at examples around the school. Or even use GOOGLE and FLICKR to find posters that you can base yours on. If you are looking for the "A" quality, then BE ORIGINAL! Save your 5 text/images to a S:/Drive/Photosessions/[TEXTINIMAGES] folder.


Want to get an interesting font that is not found in Photoshop? CHECK OUT HERE, HERE, and HERE. You will need to download it, save it to your H:/Drive, close photoshop if it is open. Then install the font by right clicking. Then open Photoshop and it should be there as a choice. If you want help with this let me know! The bad news though. You will need to do this each day, as the font will be removed from the computer system once it is turned off for the night.


BONUS! Want to try something really unique? Look at the TEXT tutorials and POSTER tutorials at Vandelay Designs - CLICK HERE! Every tutorial attempted and saved into your S:Drive/Edits/[Posters] will add more to your mark! The more you do, the more extra credit you get! Any of the tutorials will be accepted, but you will need to your PHOTOSHOP CS4 for most of these tutorials.




WEEK SIX - March 7-11 - Reducing Noise and Portraiture


** Look at ALL your subfolders in your PHOTOSESSION folder. Generally, you should have ONLY 10 Images or LESS (YOUR BEST WORK) inside each folder. If you don't submit only your BEST work, your portfolio (the bulk of your mark) will be graded lower **



Refer to mrletourneau's deviantArt site to see some of his gallery images with portraits and to search through deviantart in general to see portrait. Remember to have the mature filter on with this site if you have an account. If you don't have an account the filter will automatically be applied, so no worries!


Look at Examples of Portraits on Flickr to reference ideas for your portraits!


Crop, edit to improve lighting, and use the clone tool to make improvements in your images. Submit your BEST 5-10 images to your S:Drive/Photosessions/[PORTRAITS]





Week Seven -TERM 2 - January 10 - January 14


II) Take 5-8 images of a wide open scene, overlapping 20% on each side and use PSCS4's panorama stitching process to create a full panorama image. Save this panorama in your edit folder as well with a clear name including "panorama" in it. Remember to save the file as a JPG file for marking purposes! You can edit the the final stiched panorama image

III) Create a CD cover using Photoshop - Will have to be creative and use the features in PSCS4 to do the same




Week Two - November 15-19 - Symmetry (Balance) 




iii) a. Photoshop Work for the week - There are plenty of ways to create borders for your images. Take note of the techniques covered in class. There are other ways, such as using Vignettes or Patterns. Experiment with bordering any image of your choice (your own work or from the Internet) and submit at least 5 BORDERED IMAGES into your S:/Drive Term 2 Photoshop Editing Folder. Create a new folder called BORDERED IMAGES and save EACH image in PSD and JPEG format.


A) How to create a burnt edge vignette for your images

B) How to create BORDERS using Photoshop   


   b. Use Photoshop to create a symmetrical image by transforming an existing image and flipping it around on its axis. Play around with horizontal and vertical axis.


C) Tutorial Links:


1) Digital Photography Tutorial - Site dedicated to helping you improve you shoot better pictures out in the field. A must read for this course! By reading through each of these 6 tutorials you will show what you have read.

     A) The Rule of Thirds

     B) Learn How to Crop

     C) Cropping Tutorial

     D) Change your Shooting Angle

     E) It's All in the Details

     F) Add Foreground Interest



** After you have taken notes for each tutorial (use Microsoft Word), then post them to your S:/ Drive with the label of the tutorial you took notes on. For example, if you took notes on "The Rule of Thirds" that would be your file name.





3) Burnt or Shadowed Edges Tutorial - CLICK HERE

4) Eye on Design - Photoshop tutorials on working with variety of eyes - CLICK HERE 

5) Change the Colour of the sky using Photoshop Elements - CLICK HERE

6) Photoshoplady.com - Online Tutorials working with Photoshop, but principles can be worked into PSE7

7) Threshold Lesson - A neat layering technique using layered shadows/colours on people

8) HDR Information - A general site that has links on how to create a HDR (High Dynamic Range) image

9) 50 Essential Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials - Textures can be found here for some of these tutorials.

10) 50 Dirty and Filthy Grunge Effects

11) How to create the effects of a vintage old photograph using Photoshop

12) Creating a HDR image - will need three images with three different exposures (light to dark) for this tutorial








This assignment will be ongoing all semester - Terminology Sheet - Copy and paste this sheet to a Word Document and save it to your H:/Drive. Most questions can be answered at the following website: http://www.digital-photography-tips.net/digital-photography-terminology.html.  If you don't find your answer there, using a GOOGLE SEARCH to find the answer you are looking for.


V) A website with at least 20 images will need to be created for your final project that highlights you as a photographer. Use Wix.com to create this. Choose one of the existing pages used for photographers on the right and then edit it to suit your needs.


C) ANATOMY SCRAMBLE (Medium-Difficult Project, should take at least all class if you pay attention to detail, zoom in and blend the best you can)

1) The purpose of today's class is to view some amazing photos and try to replicate the theme or the idea - CLICK HERE FOR SAMPLE IMAGES TO VIEW

2) For this project you may use any photos you already have in your own H:/ Drive or you may use a photo off the internet.

3) Using PSCS4 - experiment with cutting and pasting body parts, using different layers (if need be), and blending them together so they are smooth. EVERYONE should attempt this project and even if it is simply a foot and arm being switched, then that is sufficient for the editing mark. BUT those wanting to achieve a higher mark for this course are expected to put forth a better effort. A project such as this should take AT LEAST an entire class!!! The trick is to really take your time on the DETAILS and make sure you get a BLENDING that is smooth!!!

So think quick on your feet and attempt to mix and match those body parts! GOOD LUCK!




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